|API RANK| by Escape.tech
Benchmark and ranking of 5138+ public APIs by Escape.tech
Vultr API (ranked 240 of 5138)
https://escape-data-and-specs.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/specs/postman_com_vultr_api_workspace_vultr_api_v2_json.jsonGENERAL INFORMATION
The Vultr API v2 is a set of HTTP endpoints that adhere to RESTful design principles and CRUD actions with predictable URIs. It uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. The API has consistent and well-formed JSON requests and responses with cursor-based pagination to simplify list handling. Error messages are descriptive and easy to understand. All functions of the Vultr customer portal are accessible via the API, enabling you to script complex unattended scenarios with any tool fluent in HTTP.
Communicate with the API by making an HTTP request at the correct endpoint. The chosen method determines the action taken.
Method | Usage |
DELETE | Use the DELETE method to destroy a resource in your account. If it is not found, the operation will return a 4xx error and an appropriate message. |
GET | To retrieve information about a resource, use the GET method. The data is returned as a JSON object. GET method |
The security score of an API is computed as the number of OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities detected in the API.
- OWASP issues detected: API7:2023
The performance score is derived from the median response time of the API, sometimes referred as p50. The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample, here the response times of the API.
- The median response time of the API is 288 ms .
Get p50 under 220 ms to get a 4/5 score.
The reliability score is derived from the number of inconsistent server responses, either server errors or non-conforming return values.
- Self compliance: response objects matched the declared response types.
- Server errors: the server did not return any 5xx error.
The design score reflects the quality of the specification file (usually named openapi.json or swagger.json). Having a high-quality specification file (with up-to-date types and examples) help developers understand the API and tools produce relevant documentation.
- Respects OpenAPI 3.0.0 schema specification.
- Contains comments and summaries.
- Contains examples.
- Does not contain duplicated objects.
Popularity 4/5
The popularity score is computed from the number of references to the API found on the internet. Have your API used by many developers to get a higher score!